Outreach Ministries
Our church supports mission efforts locally and around the world.
Over the years, Presbyterian missionaries have planted churches, built hospitals, and started schools on every continent. The seeds sown by those missionaries have, in many places, developed into self-sustaining churches and institutions now led by local Christians. In fact, more than 94 million Christians around the world now belong to churches that were founded or co-founded by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission workers.
Outreach Opportunities
- Presbyterian Missionaries
- Short-Term Mission Work
- Community Outreach
- Youth Group Mission Project
Would you like to get involved?
We welcome you to get involved in the many outreach opportunities available through our church. By doing so, not only will you be helping others in need, but you will be part of a church family, develop friendships, and you will get to experience Christ's love through others and throughout the community.
Presbyterian Missionaries
Today, more than 200 mission coworkers engage in God’s mission: to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, help the most vulnerable - women and children, and promote reconciliation within cultures of violence.

Short-Term Mission Work
Members of BPC routinely volunteer in short-term mission activities, supported by the local church. Several members volunteer with the Michigan Helps Medical Team to provide medical treatment and construction services to rural Guatemalans.
Others on this team install efficient stoves in homes in rural Guatemala, These help to alleviate burns and respiratory and eye issues associated with living around an open fire, and require about 70 percent less firewood.
Other members travel to share in mission with Christians in Nicaragua or host exchanges with Christians from Nicaragua visiting here.

Community Outreach
Mission Supported by the Church
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Fund
- Hunger Program
- Peacemaking Program
- The Aware Shelter
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Jackson
- Jackson Interfaith Shelter
- Special Olympics
- Salvation Army
- Operation Christmas Child
- CROP Walk
- Brooklyn Food Pantry
- ...and more!

Youth Group Mission Project
Our BPC Youth Group engages in a summer mission project in a needy community every other year. What a great opportunity for the teens to get involved and help make a difference!

He said to them, 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.'
Mark 16:15
Need More Information
If you would like to be a part of an outreach ministry, or if you need additional information or have any questions, please contact the church office at: